Info for gynaecologists

Dear colleague,
Dear colleague,

After many years of working as a medical director in the public and private sectors, I decided to go my own way and make my vision of good medical practice in the field of medically assisted reproduction come true.

As a gynecologist who directs patients to us, I see you as an essential part of my team. After all, a couple’s journey to parenthood begins in your practice and, once the fetal heartbeat has been determined, ends exactly where it began – with you. Therefore, it is important to my team and me to establish personal contact with you in order to create open communication for the benefit of our mutual patients.

With regard to our future cooperation, allow me to clarify a few points in advance:

    • Our clinic does not offer any form of prenatal diagnosis.
    • We do not offer MKP examinations, taking of PAP smears, various US examinations during pregnancy as well as other examinations from the area in which you have settled.

    • If our patients require further surgical clarification and/or therapy (e.g. hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and/or an elective cesarean section), they will be referred to you. Only in the event that you do not offer surgical services will we refer the patient to others.

Finally, I would like to invite you to visit the ReproCreate fertility clinic and the team as your future cooperation partner and to get to know them personally. Simply make an appointment for a visit at

We look forward to seeing you!

Yours sincerely,

Dr. med. Univ. Marko Došen, MSc.

Medical Director


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