I want to have my fertility checked

You are young, healthy, and full of plans for the best years of your life – a successful career lies ahead of you and a world of wonders is waiting to be discovered by you. A family and children are on your agenda, but not necessarily right now – and that’s perfectly fine.

You just want to make sure that biology doesn’t have any unwanted surprises in store for you, and you want to check your fertility status. A good and well-informed decision!

We will help you tailor your plan to your individual wishes and needs!

The purpose of the fertility test is to give you the correct assessment of your fertility potential at the right time in your life, so that you can either plan properly and start realising your desire to have children at the right time, or take appropriate measures to preserve fertility at a time when your fertility is still at its peak.

1. Fertility test for women

In women, almost all fertility tests depend on specific stages of the menstrual cycle, meaning that a comprehensive fertility test cannot be done in a single visit. It’s also important to note that off-the-shelf fertility tests for women that can be ordered online and that don’t involve consultation with a specialist are quite inaccurate.

We offer two types of fertility tests:

1. Simple Female Fertility Test

First blood test, performed between the 2nd and 5th day of your cycle. This blood test analyzes your reproductive hormones and previous exposure to a common pathogen (Chlamydia trachomatis) that can affect your fallopian tubes.

Simultaneous analysis of a urine sample for the presence of acute but silent infection with Chlamydia trachomatis.

– vaginal 2D ultrasound examination of the pelvis and a special 3D ultrasound examination of the uterine cavity about a week later. At the end of this consultation, you will receive information about your current fertility potential, an assessment of fertility dynamics, and advice on how to maintain your ovarian reserve through an appropriate lifestyle in the coming years.

2. Advanced Female Fertility Test

The advanced female fertility test includes the simple female fertilitytest (blood test, urinalysis, vaginal ultrasound of the pelvis and uterine cavity) as well as an additional ultrasound examination of the patency of your fallopian tubes between the 6th and 12th grades. This examination is recommended shortly before the planned conception.

Ultrasound examination of fallopian tube patency (HyCoSy) - Learn more

2. Fertility Test for Men

In the case of men, the fertility test can be performed at any time.

The test consists of the analysis of the semen sample, a blood test and a urine test. All three are performed in our clinics as part of a single appointment. The blood test analyzes your reproductive hormones, as well as whether you have had previous exposure to a common pathogen (Chlamydia trachomatis) that can affect your vas deferens. At the same time, your urine sample will be tested for the presence of an acute but silent infection with Chlamydia trachomatis.

About a week later, a consultation with a specialist follows. At the end of this consultation, you will receive information about your current fertility potential, an assessment of fertility dynamics in the coming years, and advice on a lifestyle that is suitable for maintaining your optimal sperm production in the coming years.

If there is any doubt about the quality of your sperm sample, an additional check of a sperm sample will be carried out in 8 weeks.

Analysis of the EJaculate (semen analysis) - Read more

3. Fertility Test for Couples

We recommend that couples have a fertility test before they plan to conceive.

During the first examination, blood samples are taken from both partners and a sperm sample from the male partner is analyzed.

The second appointment will take place about a week later. You will be consulted by a specialist, an ultrasound examination of the partner’s pelvis and a test for patency of the fallopian tubes will be performed. At the end of the consultation, you will receive information about your fertility potential.

4. Fertility Test for Lesbian Couples

Future biological mothers choose between a simple and an advanced fertility test, as described above (1st fertility tests for women).

At the end of the consultation with the specialist, in addition to the information about the fertility potential of the biological mother, the couple will receive all the information about the available options for conception with a donated sperm sample. We will discuss both “classic” and “low-tech” options with you.


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We are happy to answer your questions! Schedule an initial consultation or sign up for our free information evening and learn more about the next step on your parenthood journey.