In specific clinical situations clearly defined by the Reproductive Medicine Act (FMedG), it is allowed and possible to genetically analyze a small number of embryonic cells.
Medical indications for PGT treatment include:
- Three or more IVF/ICSI procedures where implantation has failed
- Three or more miscarriages (spontaneous miscarriages) documented by ultrasound
- A known chromosomal abnormality and/or a known gene mutation in at least one parent that may lead to a genetic disease in the child (Note: only strictly defined mutations can be legally tested; the list of these diseases is constantly updated)
In order to undergo preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), the couple must go through a complete IVF/ICSI cycle.
The cost of a PGT is nevercovered by the IVF fund .
Instead of embryo transfer of a blastocyst, our biologists perform a biopsy of the blastocyst, which is frozen after the procedure.
The part of the embryo that will later become the fetus is never biopsied. Only a few trophectoderm cells are extracted, which are specially prepared and then sent to a specialized genetic laboratory for further analysis. Normally, the analysis is completed within a week.
If at least one embryo is found without chromosomal abnormality and/or targeted gene mutation (which was the reason for the PGT), the next step is a simple embryo transfer of the selected, unaffected embryo.