Fertility Institute Graz Examination

Kinderwunsch insititut graz

Examinations in case of unfulfilled desire to have children - fertility tests.
Fertility Institute Graz.

Recognising the cause(s) of unfulfilled desire to have children is the first step towards your desired child. In the following articles you will find an overview of the fertility tests at our Fertility Institute Graz.

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Hormone status

Hormones control the formation of egg and sperm cells, fertilization, nourishment of the embryo, birth processes, libido and the entire metabolism. An examination of hormones is therefore essential for the diagnosis of fertility and provides clarity, for example, whether there are any disturbances or abnormalities in the hormone balance.

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Ultrasound examination (2D and 3D)

The ultrasound examination of the internal genital organs is one of the first steps in the context of fertility diagnostics at our Fertility Institute Graz.

A vaginal ultrasound examination of the female pelvis can already clarify some important basic aspects: whether there are fibroids (muscle knots in the uterine muscle), polyps (mucosal growths), malformations or ovarian cysts.

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Kinderwunsch insititut graz

Examination of tubal patency with ultrasound (HyCoSy)

The painless and minimally invasive examination of whether the fallopian tubes are continuous (not glued or occluded) with the help of ultrasound is called hystero-salpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy).

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Infection diagnostics

Before starting fertility treatment, potential risks of infection must be clarified – for both partners as well as (if applicable) for each living donor (according to §4 of the Tissue Collection Facility Ordinance).

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Kinderwunsch insititut graz

Genetic clarification of the couple

A genetic clarification is optional depending on personal preference. However, before an IVF/ICSI treatment cycle, it is our recommendation to have an analysis of the number and structure of chromosomes (carriers of genetic information) carried out as part of the basic diagnosis.

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ERA Test

If a woman has repeated unsuccessful IVF treatments with good embryos and a well-built uterine lining, or if implantation has not taken place despite optimal conditions, an implantation window test (ERA test) can help.

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Kinderwunsch insititut graz


During laparoscopy, the fallopian tubes, ovaries and the outside of the uterus can be examined in detail via the abdominal cavity and changes such as endometriosis foci, adhesions and fibroids can be diagnosed and removed.

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A spermiogram, i.e. a detailed analysis of ejaculation, is the most important fertility test in men.

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Kinderwunsch insititut graz

Urological examination and ultrasound of the testicles

For patients with a suboptimal spermiogram result, we also recommend an ultrasound examination of the testicles for diagnostic clarification of fertility. For example, varicose veins (varicocele) in the vascular system of the testicles or rare testicular or epididymal tumors can reduce fertility or even trigger the fertility problem. Your Fertility Institute Graz.

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