I want a baby (fertility treatments)

According to the Austrian Reproductive Medicine Act (FmedG), only heterosexual and lesbian couples are allowed to receive proactive specialist treatment on their way to parenthood.

Single patients are not entitled to proactive specialist treatment. However, they are not denied the option of having a fertility test and/or counselling about their options abroad.

The patient journey and the legal entitlement to financial support from the Austrian IVF Fund are essentially the same for heterosexual and lesbian couples. The only difference between these two groups of patients comes from the biology itself – lesbian couples always need a sperm donor, while heterosexual couples only need a sperm donor if there is a clear medical indication.

1. Initial consultation

Your first appointment at the ReproCreate Fertility Clinic is to get to know our team and start the diagnostic procedures. A targeted conversation, a vaginal ultrasound examination of the woman and possibly a spermiogram check of the man are the essential components of the first consultation.

2. Identifying a cause

Finding the exact cause of your fertility problem is the cornerstone of successful treatment.

Please note that many of the diagnostic analyses for the female partner are highly dependent on the phase of the menstrual cycle and therefore usually cannot be carried out in a single visit to the fertility clinic.

3. Determination of the individually optimal fertility treatment for you

In general, the type of treatment you receive in our clinics depends on the cause of your fertility problem, the success of your previous treatments and your personal preferences.

We take a step-by-step approach to fertility treatment: (a) if it is medically indicated, and (b) when sufficient time is available, and (c) if it is desired by a couple, we will start with minimally demanding and then move on to more sophisticated treatments.

Ideally, a treatment sequence looks like this: ovulation induction intrauterine > insemination > IVF/ICSI > additional diagnostic and/or treatment procedures.


It is important to emphasize that each therapy plan in ReproCreate is individually tailored to your personal needs and your particular individual situation.

The particularly good news is that the fertility treatments available to us today are very successful. It is very, very rare that our therapeutic options are exhausted.

4. Pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby

Your parenthood is our main goal!

Your success story has three main steps:

  1. a positive pregnancy test two weeks after the end of treatment – at this point we are delighted to share the good news with you, but remain cautiously optimistic.
  2. Detecting your baby’s heartbeat two weeks after the positive pregnancy test – you have now successfully overcome so many possible obstacles and your chances of becoming a parent look great! The treatment in our clinic is now officially over and we will send you back to your gynecologist, who will take care of your pregnancy.
  3. Delivery of your baby – You’ve completed your pregnancy and our ultimate treatment goal has been achieved. See you in a few years to talk about siblings for your little bundle of joy.


Take the first step today!

We are happy to answer your questions! Schedule an initial consultation or sign up for our free information evening and learn more about the next step on your parenthood journey.