I need counseling for a hormonal imbalance

Gynecological endocrinology is an integral part of reproductive medicine, but its scope of application goes far beyond the care of patients who wish to have children. It is a wide field shared with many medical specialties: gynecology, general endocrinology, general internal medicine, pediatrics, senology, and even neurosurgery.

Imbalances and/or disorders of reproductive hormones are very common – a simple consequence of the complexity of the female reproductive hormone system. ReproCreate also offers a full range of diagnostic and treatment procedures to patients of reproductive age (i.e. after puberty and before menopause) who do not want to have children and suffer from reproductive hormone disorders.

Many problems with reproductive hormones are temporary and do not require specific treatment. On the other hand, problems that persist (absence of menstruation for more than three months, menstrual pain that intensifies from month to month, appearance of increased facial and/or body hair in women who are not naturally prone to it) or occur in an unexpected and/or dramatic way (vaginal bleeding during menopause, prolonged heavy vaginal bleeding in reproductive age), in any case, be treated by a specialist.

Even if you are receiving or planning hormone therapy (contraception, hormone replacement therapy), it is always advisable to seek advice from a specialist.

We can help you with:

Disorders of the menstrual cycle

Pronounced premenstrual problems (premenstrual syndrome – PMS)

Chronic anovulation (polycystic ovary syndrome – PCOS, hyperprolactinemia, insufficiency of the pituitary gland, etc.)

Questions about contraception


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