Ovulation induction

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Ovulation induction

In patients who have irregular ovulation or in whom no organic reason for the non-occurrence of pregnancy can be determined by previously known means (so-called idiopathic infertility), a simple method of assisted reproduction can be used as the therapy of first choice – ovulation induction.

Some requirements must be met:

  • Partner’s sperm count is optimal and
  • the fallopian tubes of the partner are functional and
  • The patient’s fertility potential is optimal and
  • Sexual intercourse is possible or desired.

In the first phase of treatment , various medications (clomiphene citrate / letrozole / gonadotropins / gonadorelin – depending on the primary diagnosis) are used to stimulate follicle growth.

As soon as the growth of one to a maximum of two follicles can be detected by ultrasound and the diameter of this follicle or follicles reaches 17 mm, ovulation is induced via hCG injection (human chorionic gonadotropin, a pregnancy hormone) (second phase) and vaginal intercourse in a certain time window is suggested (third phase).


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